Wednesday, May 11, 2011

LOL just remember my password :)

Well since my last post I have done a fairly large amount of travelling and cooking.

Some highlights for 2011 so far...

Goodbye Mount Maunganui!
It takes a very long time to travel from the MOunt via Gisborne to Nelson.

The road between Wairoa and Hawkes Bay is improving, with a new section of road opening to make a section a lot safer than it was.

The roads into Kapiti Coast and Wellington are very busy and fast moving except when there are road works.

Te Papa is as great as usual, the European Masters art exhibit was well worth the entry cost.

Crossing on the 2am Interislander is a good opition if you like your space, however you arrive to early in Picton to see any of the Sounds.

The drive through the Queen Charlotte Sounds between Picton and Nelson is lovely, but it takes quite awhile as there is a low speed limit and the road is narrow and a little windy.

Nelson is very nice and has a number of historic houses and buildings.
Founders Heritage Park is a wonderful place much like the 17th Ave Historic Village in Tauranga, but much better.

Takaka Hill is very high and narrow and windy, but there are caves up near the summit that you can tour through.

Cable Bay is a lovely place to camp, but take bug repellant as there are mozzies and sandflys. Not a lot of sand though. We kayaked over half way round Peppin Island but unfortunatley we were the only group to not see any seals :(

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Triaction Women's Triathlon

Well while all of you were having an extra sleep in on Monday (well those whom happen to live close enough to Auckland to get Anniversary day) I was doing the annual Triaction women's triathlon.

It was a 400m swim in Pilot Bay, 10km bike around Mount waterfront and finally a 2.5km walk/run.

There were age groupings, I was in the second group 20-24yr. I reckon I was closer in age to those whom were in the next age group up. We were the second group released. But I was like one of the last 15 out of the water anyway.

Of 253 entrants 13 either didn't turn up or they didn't finish the race. I know this because I was last across the finish line at number 240!

The fastest person finished in 34.24 minutes I took 1:29.34 nearly a full hour after her.

It was a grand adventure and I am thinking about getting professional help with my swimming as that is what took the longest. Also I am a very poor swimmer and would like to get back to the level of ability I was when I was at Intermediate.

Always write down what you use...

Well a few weeks ago I made a yummy mince dish that I took out for a potluck dinner. I just threw in everything because I was in a hurry. It tasted quite good a bit to spicy for some, but I can't remember exactly what I put in it. LOL never mind. A bit like the liquid bacon I made with a friend many years ago all we remember for certain is that it was vegetarian and contained sun dried tomatoes.

ALWAYS write down what you put into an experimental dish because I guarantee if it tastes good you won't remember what you used.

I also made Kiwi Curried Sausages recently.
These were good but I reckon half a cup of sultanas and double herbs and liquid would make it better.

Coconut loaf.
This is very sticky at all stages. I personally don't think much of it.

Stretched Sausages.
I made this for my best friend and her husband when they came for tea on Sunday night. Hehe they came from Rotovegas to drop off my new laptop that they picked up for me and for a brief visit. I think this meal was quite nice, but a wee bit to much sweet chili was added and I used 1 less onion and there was still plenty.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cooking Adventures

Well my first attempt at ginger crunch went very well, however I was nearly finished doing the icing when I remembered that my Godmum said she normally doubles or triple the icing recipe.
Key points for next batch:

Triple Icing recipe
Don't cook base for as long.

The base was fine however the bottom half of the base is dark brown and the top half is the brown it's meant to be.

I also attempted the mini vege frittatas that the Food In A Minute lady has been doing on TV for the last month or so.

They are nice.

I did not use the steam fresh veges as she does I just used frozen stir fry plus mixed veges as the steam fresh products are very expensive.

Key points for next time:

To much asparagus
Don't make in paper patty cases. (because they stick quite a bit to the paper)
The egg, milk (I used oat milk as I think normal milk is yukky) and cheese mixture will look disgusting!!

A very busy Sunday - Paeora

Well I know this was rather touristy but I went to the big L&P bottle to take photo's.

I have perhaps been to Paeora once or twice but I was so young I don't remember going there. So since it is only a few minutes from the Karangahake Gorge we went on a detour so I could take pictures.

I had a rather brilliant notion while I was taking pictures of the bottle, that was to go across the road to the petrol station and buy an L&P and keep the receipt as a novelty item. NZders will know that all petrol stations general have on the till receipt something like this:

BP Paeroa
Caltex Gisborne

etc etc etc

However being short on money at the moment and my friend starting to be rather tiresome I did not purchase an L&P :(

Karangahake Gorge

After visiting Martha Mine we went onto the Karangahake Gorge and completed the Railway tunnel loop.

The tunnel feels like it goes on forever and ever. I would advise taking very strong/powerful torches as the tunnel is lighted (but very sparingly) the ground is uneven and wet with water dripping down the ceiling and walls.

The ruins of the several battery's scattered around the track are amazing.

When then went part way to the under ground pumphouse as I wished to see how different it was to the Cornish pumphouse situated at Martha Mine. Well needless to say our torches were weak and the two of us adventurers are both scared of the dark. Went entered the mine shaft then took the right hand brach that took us back out. This is when we found that we had come out right next to a shaft that must go every deep under ground as there was freezing cold 'grave' air blowing out at us.

I went as far as the gate into this tunnel (which was perhaps 5m in) then freaked my self out by imagining that the second I went through the gate it would slam shut and I would be stuck!

There are many other walks and I will go back another time to do these. Also with a very powerful torch.

DoC advises that you don't enter any shafts that are at the side of the tracks as they are potentially unstable. One of the 3 we went past on the way to the shafts you were allowed to enter proved this point with large rocks and debris blocking the shaft completely only 2m in.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martha Mine open day

WOW it was just awesome at the mine open day. We arrived before it opened at 10am along with a few hundred other people.

I paid $2 and got to attempt panning for gold. If done correctly you were guaranteed to find 3 flakes of gold amongst the sand. I found all 3 but more just swirled the sand around in water with my finger.

I got to have a go on a a rock drill. Let's just say I'm glad it was fixed to the ground and a man was there to help just in case. It was loud and the vibrations gave my arms the best work out they have had forever!! It was so powerful I might have sailed right out of the mine as it felt like it was lifting me up.

We then walked about half way down into the open cast mine (this was as far as you were allowed to go as it is still a working mine). On our way back up this photographer ran ahead of us then crouched down to take a picture. Curious as to what he would be taking a picture of I turned around. Only to see 13 protesters walking in a line with their t-shirts spelling out NO MORE MINING. This sum what amused me as they had collectively paid $130 to enter the mine and their weren't that many people at the open day that even took notice of them!

We also got to climb up some scaffolding to look into the cab and tray of a CAT 777 Mine truck.

The day was rather muggy and hot, with very sticky mud under foot, BUT terribly awesome!!